Thursday, December 23, 2010

Here, sunny sunny! I've got ice cream!

A third of summer has nearly gone and I've barely had a chance to show off my summer wardrobe. So, to entice summer in, I crocheted a strawberry ice cream and a bubblegum ice cream. (Yes, I even gave it a choice of ice creams if it comes out to play - and shine!)

This one has no pattern, but to make the ice cream: chain 2, 4 x double in first loop and slip stich at the end. Then 2 x double in each of the 4 loops. Slip stitch, chain 1. 1 x double in each of the loops, then slip stitch to join to the start of the row. And then go around a second time. Slip stich and chain again. Then continue with second colour (the cone) and slowly decrease with slip stitches until come to a point (make sure to stuff it before you get to this point!) Tie off, hide any loose ends, and enjoy!

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